The Venturing Officer’s Association
The Cascade Pacific Council Venturing Officers’ Association (VOA) is a group of Youth and their Adult Advisors who work to provide support and guidance to maintain and grow the Venturing program throughout our council. The VOA collaborates with other committees in providing training for Venturers and Advisors, programming for crews, and a monthly forum to bring together youth and Advisors.
What is a Venturing Officers’ Association?
A team of officers (youth president and vice presidents for administration, program, and communication) supported by an Advisor, keeps the VOA organized. This forum provides a voice for youth to help strengthen the Venturing program. A VOA holds several meetings during the year and hosts a few events that help to bring the crews, districts, councils, or areas together. Each event may have a different goal: training, adventure, recognition, fun—or all of the above.
How Do VOAs Operate?
VOAs operate in many ways like a crew does. A crew plans activities that are fun and of interest to the members of the crew. A crew plans activities that build a well-balanced program of adventure, leadership, and service. The VOA does the same things, but it offers a program and leadership opportunities that extend beyond an individual crew. And VOAs, like your crew, make sure that everyone has fun as a key part of the program.
What Does a Venturing Officers’ Association Do?
Venturing Officers’ Associations provide opportunities for adventure, leadership, personal growth, and service (A-L-P-S). By doing so, they serve to model best practices in programming for local crews and to provide a program resource for Venturers and Advisors throughout the VOA’s area of operation. Venturing Officers’ Associations provide opportunities for personal growth and leadership for their officers, just as the leaders and members of the VOA provide programming of interest to their constituents. A strong VOA usually means strong crews. Program and training events offered by the VOA give Venturers the chance to meet other Venturers to build friendships and networks, to learn from their experiences, and to have fun! The purpose of VOAs is not to hold meetings, but to provide fun and informative program opportunities for Venturers. In many ways, the VOA serves as a forum for planning and carrying out great program. The leadership and Advisors for a VOA know they have done their job well when they see that the efforts of the VOA have served to strengthen the Venturing program in their area of operation.
For more information about the Cascade Pacific Council VOA, contact our Venturing program specialists at (503) 226-3423