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Uniform bank

Cascade Pacific Council’s uniform bank helps provide Scout uniforms for newly enrolled youth and adults with financial needs. The uniform bank is meant to supplement, not replace, any unit or district uniform bank you may already utilize. Items are free of charge for those that meet the financial requirement. The uniform bank does not sell or loan items. Recipients must be registered with Scouting America (formerly BSA) and Cascade Pacific Council.

Uniforms are available to those in need on a first-come, first-served basis.

What uniform do I request for my son or daughter?

See the uniform guides at the links below before making a request. A common mistake people make in Cub Scouts is ordering the wrong color uniform. Note that Lions (kindergartners) wear the T-shirt, grades 1-3 (Tiger, Wolf, Bear & Webelos) wear blue shirts and grades 5 (Arrow of Light) wear tan shirts. Check with your den or unit leader to determine which uniform items are needed (some may be provided by the unit).

06.05.20_Uniform_Guide_SBSA_Uniform (scoutshop.org)

Cub Scout Uniform | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org)

You should not order a tan uniform if your son or daughter is in grades 1-3. Also, get a uniform a size or two bigger so your scout can grow into it and use it longer. Once your scout grows out of the uniform, please return it to the uniform bank.

Can I request a free, used uniform every year?

The bank is only able to offer one-time only assistance. A virtue of Scouting is paying your own way, and there are many fundraising options available to you to help you raise more than enough funds to cover your next uniform. This allows uniforms to be available for the next class of brand new Scouts that join and need assistance.

Uniform Donations

The uniform bank relies on donations. Do you have or know of any uniform items that someone has outgrown or no longer needs? Have you seen any at thrift stores or yard sales? Help by donating them to the Uniform Bank! Goodwill is no longer donating uniforms to the uniform bank so your help is welcome! Please do not donate uniform items there or to other thrift stores.

Here’s How to Donate:

  • Place items in the uniform bank donations box in the lobby of the council office (2145 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201).
  • Ask a Scout leader or your district professional to take the items to the council donation box
  • Or contact the uniform bank at uniformbank@cpcscouting.org  to make other arrangements.
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