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Scouting for food

March 1, 2025

Join Scouts across the CPC as we collect tens of thousands of pounds of food for local food banks and pantries.

Order Door Hangers

March 1, 2025

Washington Walk and Knock will be December 6, 2025

Hunger does not stop after the holiday season.

After inquiring with the local food pantries we serve, there is a crucial need for food in the Spring, after the surplus of giving from the holiday season runs out. In a concerted effort to be a helpful Scout in a time of need, Cascade Pacific Council has moved their Scouting for Food efforts to the first Saturday of March. We hope this effort will help refill shelves and continue to support local families in need.

How it works:

  1. Order your FREE door hangers. Check back in early 2025 for link.
  2. Set a day/time to distribute door hangers/flyers around your neighborhood or meeting place (1-2 weeks before collection such as February 15th or 22nd. )
  3. Collect bags of food and deliver to a drop-off location on March 1st.
  4. Log your total collected (form coming early 2025) and receive recognition patches for your Scouts!

Units are welcome to do a food collection multiple times throughout the year.

Door Hangers Available: February 1, 2025
Final Deadline to Order: February 15th, 2025.  

Looking for Scouting for Food patches?  Contact your Nor’West Scout Shop to see what’s in stock.

Key Contacts

Carrie Hutchcraft
Program Assistant

2025 Scouting for Food Donation Sites
(Check often for new sites added)

DistrictCityOrganizationAddressCityStateZipContact NamePhone/EmailTimes and Details
CascadiaPortlandNeighborhood House Free Food Market3445 SW Moss St.PortlandOR97219Jim Cooperjcooper@nhpdx.orgOpen 12:00PM to 4:00PM
Rivers EdgeOregon CityHOPE United Methodist Church18955 South End Rd.Oregon CityOR97045Sharon Thonstad503.957.3788
Rivers EdgeWest LinnWest Linn Food Pantry1683 Willamette Falls DriveWest LinnOR97068Debbie Meyers503.915.9446 or westlinnfoodpantry@gmail.com9:30AM to 12:00PM. Deliver to back door on Knapp Alley.

About Scouting for Food

A Scout who helps those in need will develop kindness, compassion and a lifetime need to make a difference in the world. An annual tradition since 1986, Scouting for Food rallies Scouts across the nation to collect food for local food banks.

Cascade Pacific Council Scouts will collect food for the hungry and provide it to specific local food banks throughout the greater Northwest. Food banks will be accepting non-perishable, unexpired food. Other ideas include monetary donations or gift cards.

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