Program Planning
Prepare Your Scout Unit for an Incredible Year of Fun, Adventure and AdvancementProper Planning Preceeds Performance
Every unit should conduct a Program Planning Conference to develop a year-long calendar and unit budget. Program planning is a simple but critical part of your troop’s success. Development of an annual program plan provides direction, and a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in a job well done. Planning also makes the best possible use of your valuable volunteer time and yields a quality program for Scouts that will increase retention.
Units with GRIT:
1. Plan their year (and a plan to pay for it).
2. Have a successful recruiting season.
3. Leaders are trained.
New Program Planning Tools for Cub Packs!
Download the new Program Planning workbook below and watch the “how-to” webinar for step-by-step guidance on using the tool.
Pack Program Planning Checklist
Pack Program planning workbook
Follow CPC on Facebook to see upcoming events
Pack Overnighter form. Contact for location inspection information. Remember you must have at least one BALOO trained leader on all Cub Scout overnight outings.
Cub Scout Summertime Adventures
Local Service: Scouting For Food/Walk & Knock
Spring candy & meat stick sale
Guide to Money-Earning Projects
Unit Money-Earning Application
Recruit more Scouts:
CPC Marketing toolkit & resources
Recruit more Leaders:
Online Position Specific Training
New Parents:
Webelos Scout Insignia Placement
Scouts, BSA Troop planning resources
Follow CPC on Facebook to see upcoming events
Local Service: Scouting For Food/Walk & Knock
Spring candy & meat stick sale
Guide to Money-Earning Projects
Unit Money-Earning Application
Recruit more Scouts:
CPC Marketing toolkit & resources
Recruit more Leaders:
Online Position Specific Training
New Parents:
Follow CPC on Facebook to see upcoming events
Local Service: Scouting For Food/Walk & Knock
Spring candy & meat stick sale
Guide to Money-Earning Projects
Unit Money-Earning Application
Recruit more Scouts:
CPC Marketing toolkit & resources
Recruit more Leaders:
Online Position Specific Training
New Parents:
Advancement Tools from the CPC
Scouting Fun During the PPS Strike
Hello wonderful Scout families! As you know, Portland Public School teachers have gone on strike. So, it’s time for another pivot to occupy kids for the day when they can’t be in school. CPC Impact & Retention Executive, Deb Hilterbrand, (who is also a Super Scout...
Webinar: Cub Scout Resources
Join us as Pack 351's Deb Hilterbrand shares her incredible tools and resources for den and pack leaders! She has created google classrooms, monthly webinars, downloads and so much more. Watch the WebinarListen to the WebinarTools & Resources from DebQuick...
Webinar: New Parents Quickstart Guide
Get the latest news around the Cascade Pacific Council of the Boy Scouts of America and a walkthrough of our new, easy-to-use "10 Essentials to Get Started" guide for new Scouting parents. Watch the Webinar Listen to the...
How Scouting is Funded
How is Scouting Funded? How Packs, Troops, Teams, Crews, and Ships Are Funded Units can use a variety of fund-raising methods as long as they meet the guidelines set by the National Council and their local council and are approved by their unit committee and...
Cub Scout Downloads
Den and Pack Leader Resources Annual Health and Medical Record Age Appropriate Guidelines Cub Scout Leader Book, No. 33221 Purchase Cub Scout Parent Information Guide Cub Scout PowerPoint Template Den Chief Handbook, No....
Cub Scout Parent Resources
In Cub Scouting, boys and their families have fun and adventure in a program that builds character and instills values. Cub Scouting embraces the values of the Scout Law, encouraging Scouts to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,...
Homeschool Scouting Resources
There are lots of homeschoolers in Scouting! Your family can look forward to getting together with other Scouting families at picnics, educational outings and even special camping events as great ways to give your children strong social experiences with...
Welcome to Scouting
Scouting is about character development and having confidence in yourself to Be Prepared! The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is the largest youth organization in the nation with millions of youth members and adult leaders enrolled in over 100,000 local Scout units....
New to Scouting
Welcome to Scouting! First off, we would like to say thank you. Thank you for your willingness to try out our great organization and all the fantastic benefits it has to offer your child. Scouting is about character development and having confidence in yourself to Be...