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Long Range Property Plan (LRPP)

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Council | 0 comments

The Long Range Property Plan (LRPP) was an in-depth project to give guidance and direction to the ownership, management, maintenance, and programs offered at each council property. The project began with a camping and properties opinion survey of members in September 2013, and concluded with a formal plan published in October 2014. Since then, many projects have been completed and each year new ones from the list are initiated.

Nearly eighty volunteers in several groups were involved in the project:

  • Core Group: This group provided direction to the overall task force; considered all input; and developed the final plan for presentation to the executive board.
  • Data Group: This group collected & compiled data such as camper statistics, membership statistics, financial information, property facts, etc. at the direction of the Core Group.
  • Communications Group: This group communicated the activities and status of the LRPP project to members, and provided members opportunities to provide input to the process through surveys, in-person chats, and other means.
  • Properties Groups: Each property had a Property Group to collect information about the property, gather input from key persons associated with the property, and provide a property report to the Core Group.  Each Property Group was represented by a Property Delegate who also provided an in-person verbal summary of the findings of the Property Group, and its recommendations to the Core Group.

The LRPP Task Force considered 1) Where we are now, 2) Where we want to go, 3) How we will get there, and then developed goals for the next ten years for council properties as a whole, and for each individual property.

Final plan approved by council executive board
The long-range plan document received its final edits based on the draft plan member survey and was presented to the council executive board for consideration.The plan was accepted without modification for implementation starting immediately. The final plan and a report of the draft plan survey are available for download from this page.

Member Survey Report Available
The CPC Long Range Property Plan (LRPP) volunteer task force initiated a survey that was completed by over 1,500 youth members and adult volunteers. The survey focused on camping styles, desired amenities and activities, and opinions about our properties. Survey results were very helpful to the LRPP task force in developing the long-range plan for council properties.

The member survey report is available for anyone to download, and is provided in three parts so that members may select which level of detail they desire:

  • Part A: Survey results summary, 8 pages ( link )
  • Part AB: Summary, plus detailed data analysis, 86 pages ( link )
  • Part ABC: Summary and detailed data, plus extensive text responses, 284 pages ( link )

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