Council Court of Honor
Join us June 22, 2025 for an evening of recognition & fellowship.Save the date! Cascade Pacific Council Court of Honor will be June 11, 2025.
The Council Court of Honor is your chance to congratulate and honor the current year Class of Silver Beaver Award recipients. In addition to recognizing our new Silver Beavers, we will also honor recipients of other Cascade Pacific Council awards.
- Venturing Leadership Award
- Helen Howells Outstanding Commissioner Award
- Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Award
- Eagle Scholarship Recipients
- Commissioner Doctoral Presentation
- Sea Scout Leader Award
- Council Duty to God Award
- Distinguished Conservation Service Award
The Council Court of Honor is also your chance to see your district recognized. Our council president will present the President’s Trophy to one district for their overall performance this last year.
2025 Eagle Scout Scholarship Winners
Ryan Jones, Pacific Trail Troop 240 (Top scholarship)
Josie Abbott, Spirit Lake Troop 5479
Reece Lewallen, Rivers Edge Troop 530
Elizah Vennebush, Cascadia Troop 24
Andrew Washburn, Pacific Trail Troop 618