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Cascade Pacific Council Alumni Association

Ways to Give

Our Special Thanks to our Cascade Pacific Council Alumni Association and all those who believe in the Scouting Mission.

As a Scouting alumnus or someone who cares about the Scouting Mission, you understand the profound influence that Scouting can have on a child’s development—from mastering the initial challenge of knot-tying to acquiring the resilience and self-reliance inspired by outdoor experiences.

Your support is crucial now as our country needs leaders who are courageous, uphold the Scout Oath and Law, commit to integrity and honesty, and show kindness.  Many Scouts have later become leaders in their communities, companies, and civic positions because of the leadership opportunities they experienced in their Scouting units.

Our ability to continue offering these valuable programs to youth council wide is made possible by the generosity of alumni like you who are committed to supporting today’s young people and future generations.  We invite you to help preserve the traditions and values of Scouting by becoming a CPC Supporter.

We are seeking your support because Scouting plays a significant role in youth development. Regardless of economic status, family situation, or background, every child has the potential to become a Scout and a leader. Your recurring contribution to Scouting America will enable young individuals to benefit from the diverse experiences Scouting offers, including self-confidence, friendships, lifelong memories, outdoor adventures, and invaluable lessons in leadership.

To support Scouting America, please select the amount you would like to contribute monthly. By doing so, you will be helping to maintain the traditions and values of Scouting for future generations.  Please consider making your donation today by using the secure form provided below. We appreciate your generosity.

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Robert W. McDonald
Council Alumni Co-Chair | Interim NESA Chair

Mason R. Lewallen
Council Alumni Co-Chair
Young Adult Member

Chris Bartell
Council Director of Marketing & Innovation

Did You Know?

Here are some recent stats and facts you may not know about Scouting’s impact on youth and our local community.

2024 Community Impact

Service to our community is one of Scouting's proudest achievements each year.

Hours of EAGLE PROJECT Community Service

Eagle Scouts

Summer Campers

Personal Impact

No other program has the proven, positive results at the individual level than Scouting America.

Personal Impact


of Eagle Scouts believe Scouting had a positive impact on their life

Academic Impact


of Eagle Scout alums have post-graduate degrees (vs. 12% of the general population)

Financial Impact


of Eagle Scouts have $100k+ HHI (versus 10% of local area)

Character Impact


of parents say Cub Scouts has encouraged their kids to help others

Stats courtesy of our local Benefits of Scouting Outcomes (large download - 155MB) study. 

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