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Our Safety Culture

Our Promise is to Keep Scouting Safe & Fun for All

How You can help the CPC Become the Epitome of Safety and Fun in the Boy Scouts of America

Together, we can create a safe place for youth, their families and volunteers to experience the epic adventures and exponential personal growth only found in the Boy Scouts of America.

In just 5 easy steps, here’s how you can be a part of creating a Culture of Safety in the Cascade Pacific Council:

  1. Watch the three short videos below from our executive and volunteer leadership team below about why creating this culture of safety is important.
  2. Add a Safety Moment at the beginning of every meeting, outing and adventure. Create your own or use any of the 100 Safety Moments found here at Scouting.org
  3. Ensure ALL active adults in your program are up-to-date on their Youth Protection Training & Certification
  4. Review the age-specific Guide to Safe Scouting.
  5. Familiarize yourself and your Scout unit about unit safety, reporting incidents and council insurance coverage.

Why We are Creating a Culture of Safety

With Gary Carroll, Scout Executive of the Cascade Pacific Council

The Importance of a Safety Culture

With Kaleen Deatherage, Board Chair of the Cascade Pacific Council

The Importance of Unit-Level Safety

With Kathleen Jordan, Commissioner of the Cascade Pacific Council

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