Our Safety Culture
Our Promise is to Keep Scouting Safe & Fun for AllHow You can help the CPC Become the Epitome of Safety and Fun in the Boy Scouts of America
Together, we can create a safe place for youth, their families and volunteers to experience the epic adventures and exponential personal growth only found in the Boy Scouts of America.
In just 5 easy steps, here’s how you can be a part of creating a Culture of Safety in the Cascade Pacific Council:
- Watch the three short videos below from our executive and volunteer leadership team below about why creating this culture of safety is important.
- Add a Safety Moment at the beginning of every meeting, outing and adventure. Create your own or use any of the 100 Safety Moments found here at Scouting.org
- Ensure ALL active adults in your program are up-to-date on their Youth Protection Training & Certification
- Review the age-specific Guide to Safe Scouting.
- Familiarize yourself and your Scout unit about unit safety, reporting incidents and council insurance coverage.
Why We are Creating a Culture of Safety
With Gary Carroll, Scout Executive of the Cascade Pacific Council
The Importance of a Safety Culture
With Kaleen Deatherage, Board Chair of the Cascade Pacific Council
The Importance of Unit-Level Safety
With Kathleen Jordan, Commissioner of the Cascade Pacific Council