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WEekend Horse Rides

Ride with the largest horse herd of any council in the Boy Scouts of America throughout the year at Butte Creek Horse Ranch.  

Saddle Up with Family & Friends

Weekend Rides

Safe, Half-Day or Full-Day Horse Rides Available 

The largest herd of horses of any council in the BSA is now open for half-day or full-day rides.

Head Wrangler Scott DePaolo invites you to join us at Butte Creek Scout Ranch for this unique experience!

    About the Rides

    To ensure that you have the best experience possible please come prepared:

    • Half-day rides are for “Webelos 2,” aged youth, 10 and older. Full-day rides are for Troop-aged Scouts, 11 and older.
    • ½ day AM ride : 9:00AM – 12:00PM
    • ½ day PM  ride : 1:00PM – 4:00PM
    • To register for a Full-day ride, you must choose an AM and PM ride in the reservation system.
    • Bring a roster of all the adults and youth with your group to turn into the ranger.
    • Review the Riding Guide.
    • Make sure to wear sturdy pants (jeans) and closed-toed shoes.
    • Lunch is NOT provided.
    • Please plan on being at the barn 10 mins before your start time to make sure the ride starts on time
    • Non BSA Groups, Please call 503-225-5759 to find out additional details required to reserve horse rides

    Click the “Horses” tab on the Butte Creek Camp Reservation page.

    Event Contact

    Deanne Molenkamp– (503) 225-5759
    Lead Member Services Specialist

    Refund Policy:  Preparation for the horse rides include, shoeing the horses, veterinarian rotations, training schedules for horses and volunteer wranglers.   There are NO refunds within two weeks of your riding day.  Prior to two weeks we will refund up to 50% of the fee.

    Registration closes two-weeks before ride date.

    For Scouts Ages 6-9

    Lil’ Buckaroo Horsemanship Program

    Two-hour classes from October through December that teach the history and nature of horses; how to be around horses safely, horse care and grooming; basic riding skills; and cowboy gear. Classes are done in the fully covered arena at Butte Creek. For Cub Scouts ages 6-9.

    Registration closes two-weeks before ride date.

    Saturday AM: 10:00AM – 12:00PM
    Saturday PM: 2:00PM – 4:00PM
    Sunday AM: 10:00AM – 12:00PM




    Click the “Horses” tab on the Butte Creek Camp Reservation page.

    Refund Policy:  Preparation for the horse rides include, shoeing the horses, veterinarian rotations, training schedules for horses and volunteer wranglers.   There are NO refunds within two weeks of your riding day.  Prior to two weeks we will refund up to 50% of the fee.

    Registration closes two-weeks before ride date.

    What Parents Say about Horse Rides at

    Butte Creek Scout Ranch

    I wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone working (volunteering!) at the horse ranch this morning. We had a wonderful time and I am truly grateful for all the accommodations for my son James. Scouting at its best. And during a pandemic!

    Brian, Brennen and especially Ken-who literally went the extra mile, probably more, walking alongside and constantly adjusting stirrups-were phenomenal in ensuring we had a positive experience. They were patient and encouraging and their willingness to step up, to make it work-to do hot, sweaty, unexpected work-did not go unnoticed. True gentlemen. I can’t thank them enough. 

    I’m sure this put extra work on the remaining wranglers with the rest of the group too. Kyza thoroughly enjoyed herself with them so all around it was a successful adventure for us. My appreciation goes out to you all!  Great job Butte Creek!

    Kristen Kelly

    Pack 232

    Impact for Generations.
    Prepared for Life.

    This is more than a motto. It is a manifesto. It is our promise to the community and to every parent and child who Scouts with us. By Scouting in the Cascade Pacific Council (CPC) of Scouting America (formerly the Boy Scouts of America), every youth can learn to make an impact on the world around them and be more prepared for career and life.

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