Can’t get into your local school to promote your Scout unit? Building a positive relationship with the principal or teachers can go a long way to giving you more school access. Here’s one idea that can help:
- Ask the Principal if you can use the flag pole after school for Tiger or Cub Requirements or Scouts BSA Tenderfoot requirement 7a. Explain the unit’s meeting location did not have a flag pole and a few Scouts simply need to raise and lower a flag to fulfill a requirement and your unit would provide the flag.
- Meet at the flag pole at the designated time the following week and invite school administrators/representatives/teachers to attend.
- Greet the school representatives in attendance and introduce them to your Scouting families.
- Ask school representatives if they have any service project opportunities for your Scouts or other opportunities for your Scouts to do a flag ceremony such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day assembly meetings.
PRO TIP: Ask a teacher or staff member to be your sponsor, if necessary.