Dutch Oven Cooking
Learn the fine art of Dutch oven cuisine!
Dutch oven cooking is a time-honored outdoor tradition, heralding back to the 1600’s, which gained a stronghold in early American culinary traditions at its very beginnings in the American Colonies.
Scouting also has Dutch oven traditions, with cobbler being standard fare on many Scouting campouts. These versatile cooking tools can cook much more than cobbler, however. Dutch ovens are excellent for cooking stews, breads, chilis, pizza, cakes, and many other treats.
Key Contacts
Carrie Hutchcraft
Program Assistant: Activities & Camping
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Impact for Generations.
Prepared for Life.
This is more than a motto. It is a manifesto. It is our promise to the community and to every parent and child who Scouts with us. By Scouting in the Cascade Pacific Council (CPC) of Scouting America (formerly the Boy Scouts of America), every youth can learn to make an impact on the world around them and be more prepared for career and life.