Important Notice: Membership Fee Increase Effective March 1, 2025
Dear Scouting America Leaders and Families,
The Cascade Pacific Council Board of Directors has approved a temporary council fee increase from $20 per member to $40 per member effective March 1, 2025, payable when the individual member renews. This decision, finalized on December 18, 2024, was made after careful consideration of potential impacts on Scouting families. Reasons for the increase include rising costs of insurance, employment, and utilities, coupled with declining fundraising participation and individual giving revenue. We took several actions to avoid raising the participation fee including reducing the number of Council employees, scrutinizing every planned expense, and developing ways to increase revenues in 2025 and beyond.
You can help as an individual, family, and unit by participating in our Spring and Fall product sales, attending in-council summer camps, and making donations to our annual Camp4All giving campaign.
We remain committed to keeping summer camp fees affordable and delivering high-quality programs, training, and support to our Scouting community. This fee increase ensures we can continue providing safe and enriching experiences for everyone involved.
More details, including the updated fee structure, will be shared soon. Thank you for your continued dedication to Scouting.
Yours in Scouting,
Andrew J. Danner, Board Chair / President
Kathleen A. Jordan, Council Commissioner
Gary Carroll, Scout Executive / CEO
Cascade Pacific Council
Scouting America